big-hearted, naughty bun.

Aodhan Darksong

You might need Aodhan if:You're a wealthy patron Aodhan is a phenomenal bard and dancer, as he was raised in a circus / dancing troupe. Need a performer? He'll be more than happy to play for you!You're a wealthy patron. As wholesome an image as he tries to portray, Aod has a bad case of sticky fingers. He's a fairly good thief, and has taken in odd commissions burgling places, though he's tried his best to only steal from those who deserve it.... most of the time. He might have stolen from you, or you might want to put out a notice offering money to catch him. Either way, he loves a challenge. He'll do his best to talk his way out if escape is impossible - the question is, will you let him?You're a criminal element. Aodhan isn't quite the hardened criminal, but he does have leanings. And while he has noble intentions, bad boys always seem to have an odd hold on him......You like love/hate elements. Over the course of his career Aodhan is bound to have 1.) people he's offended or angered, and 2.) people he's attracted to. Add in the criminal element, and there is much potential here for fun shenanigans. Have a criminal character who might be attracted, but still wants him punished for [insert trangression here]? (Do note that I would rather do several rps with this in mind first to see if our styles vibe before making anything official, as I would love for this to be on a longer term rp!)

I am okay with either in-game and discord RPs though I would prefer IG; I understand people have schedules, me included, and while I try to be flexible to accommodate both I do enjoy meeting face to face in-game! Discord rps have been usually with people I have at least known for a bit, though I won't say no to new friends there! Also fine with delayed replies and the like for discord because yeah, timezones. I like paragraph/multi paragraphs for rp but can also adapt according to what the IC situation is.Open to dark/mature themes, romance, adventuring groups, and what have yous. For the romance bit, I would rather try things out first with a few sessions and see how well our characters mesh before putting anything on the table.Aodhan is bisexual (with a male dom lean; he loves assertive men in charge) and tends to be polygamous. He's open to relationships with all races (sexy dominant Au ras and Elezens are a bonus) save for Lalafells for ERP.For D/M/ERPs, only with the following:☑️ mutual character building and development
☑️ some level of rp spontenaity is ok, but for bigger plots and arcs I'd like to discuss them first!
☑️ 18+ only; no characters or writers under that age (21+ preferred)
❌️ no scat, watersports, and vore/gore
❌️ no ooc interactions - separate ic rps from anything ooc!
❌️ no undiscussed character deaths or permanent injuries
❌️ no godmodding or overpowered characters
Anything else I'm usually open to but do discuss them with me beforehand!

My name is R! 32, pan, and a freelance writer so my schedule is all over the place, but am usually online. I also like to doodle, play games, and get bullied by my cats.I like to think that I have a goodly amount of experience with RP. I have built a career in writing and make nice earnings from them, so I'm familiar with the nomenclature (Look, ma! Big words!) with FFXIV rps.Feel free to say hi over at discord (username is sharkiepool) - I love making new friends so don't be afraid to pop in and say hi!For my hard nopes regarding roleplay do check out the roleplay link!

"I don't think you can fix me, but I sure as Menphina can make you worse."

Aodhan was one of the many orphaned Viera abandoned by conservative forest villages or borne of neglectful parents who do not need yet another boy in their household - the details in Aodhan's memories are murky at best, and not even Aodhan's foster parents know much, save that they'd found him wandering the Gridanian forests, crying, and took him in. As far as he remembered, he was three years old.What followed was a much more comfier life. As part of a traveling troupe of bards and dancers, Aodhan was raised in the same vein; much of his childhood years was spent performing trapeze acts,singing, and dancing with the world as his audience. The Darksongs were popular enough to command the attention of royalty and nobles alike, from the glitzy halls of Kugane to wayside Lominsan taverns.What most do not realize is that the Darksongs' influences extend into the criminal underground. Aodhan was taught which illegal syndicates to avoid and defer to, how to fence stolen items the family have occasionally purloined from wealthy houses, and how to steal and con his way into them in the first place.Unfortunately, not all criminal personages were fond of the Darksongs. After the family barely escaped with their lives following a patron's assassination, it was agreed that they would lie low for the foreseeable future. The elderly Darksongs announced their retirement, leaving the young Aodhan free to pursue his own interests.Still, old habits die hard.....

"I'm good at being bad, and I'm bad at being good."

Aod is friendly, funny, charming, flirty, and a little bit of a himbo - but one is never really sure how much of all that is an act. For the most part, he is that to people and wish none of them harm, for as long as they don't have something he wants.What's certain is that Aodhan is always one to adapt to any given situation, and his only interest is coming out on top (metaphorically speaking - when it comes to seduction, he does enjoy being at the bottom).He's a fairly good thief, able to get in and out of most situations he puts himself in. He's not above flirting or seduction to get his way, though bad boys tend to hold his attention longer than most. He's a talented archer, and always eager to prove himself away from the shadow of his parents' reputation, and is not above taking risks.Also, pyromaniac. He likes fooling around with fire under the guise of being clumsy, but that's only to emphasize that he isn't all that good at it.